Words with similar pronunciations but different meanings are called Homophones. Basically, two words which are spelled differently but sound alike often lead to confusion for the spellers. These occur in English as there are many ways to spell the same sound.
For eg., Hail and Hale are two words which are almost similar while pronouncing but if you look at their meanings, they both stand apart. Hale stands for strong and healthy whereas Hail is a large number of things hurled forcefully through the air. Homophones which are also called as Heterographs may apply to phrases, letters or groups of the letter which may be pronounced same as the other clan having a totally different meaning.
Homographs or Homonyms are the homophones which are spelled the same.
For eg:
Rose (Flower) and Rose (Past Tense of ‘Rise’)
Well (in a good and satisfactory way) and Well (a shaft sunk into the ground to obtain water, oil or gas)
Bear (relating a person to carry) and Bear (a large and heavy mammal of the dog family)
Given below is the list of the Homophones for helping you understand it in a better way. The homophones mentioned below also have their meanings and sentences for getting a clear idea of what they are used for.
1. Fare: the money paid for public transport
Ex: The airfare was too cheap compared to other modes of transport.
Fair: Blonde or light
Ex: He was fair and handsome and looked nowhere around 45 years.
2. Die: become extinct
Ex: It is less likely for people suffering from cancer to die a natural death.
Dye: change the color of something by adding a substance
Ex: She loved to dye her hair every three months.
3. Mail: letters and parcel sent by post
Ex: Granpa always waited for his mail by hanging around the mailbox.
Male: relating to or characteristic of men
Ex: Males are superior in strength and valor.
4. Talk: speak in order to give information or express ideas
Ex: Have a small talk with yourself every morning.
Torque: a force that causes rotation
Ex: The torque was strong enough to make her fall involuntarily.
5. Morning: the period between midnight and noon
Ex: Waking up every morning at 5 can help you start your day ahead of others.
Mourning: the expression of sorrow for someone’s death
Ex: Everyone in the assembly hall bowed their heads for mourning over the loss of their Principal.
6. Gait: a person’s manner of walking
Ex: Successful people possess confident gait and personality which makes them different.
Gate: a barrier used to close fence, opening in a wall or hedge
Ex: She shrieked when she heard a dog bark in front of her gate.
7. Flee: run away from a situation of danger or from a place
Ex: Never flee away from any unpleasant situation, face it boldly.
Flea: a small winged insect
Ex: She almost jumped from her chair when she saw a tiny flea on her book.
8. Boy: a male child
Ex: After endless difficulties, Ria gave birth to a baby boy.
Buoy: keep something or someone afloat
Ex: The entire channel was etched with yellow and blue buoys.
9. Peace: freedom from disturbance
Ex: Doing Yoga in the morning always brought her peace.
Piece: a portion produced by cutting, tearing or breaking the whole
Ex: He asked her for a piece of cheese.
10. Waist: the part of the human body below ribs and above the hips
Ex: He grabbed her waist demanding an extra chocolate.
Waste: use or expend carelessly
Ex: Spending time on things which aren’t taking you towards your goals is simply a waste of time.
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